Thursday, November 02, 2006

A Public Apology

I have been trying to find the reason for celebrities acting, no, BEING arrogant for years and have just recently found the answer.

And here it is: they're NOT. Or at least, they don't mean to.

It is like when you were little and you were afraid when a cockroach (I'm NOT comparing celebrities to cockroaches, this is just an example, i'm sorry I couldn't find a better one) crawls up towards you, and your parents say "tak payah takut, dia lagi takut kat awak dari awak takut pada dia" and you stomp your foot on the ground and find the cockroach scurry off hurriedly, probably peeing in its pants if it were to wear one.

I guess being 'arrogant' is like a defence mechanism to them.

When meeting new people, for example, non-celebrities have it easier.

Imagine the other person knowing more stuff about you than you know about them; whatever you do, whatever you say, however you act, will be scrutinised to the finest details.

For non-celebrities, it is an empty slate. We have room for first impressions, we can even lie, or make-up stories about our past, exaggerate details of our current position (if we wanted to la) and the new person would not know the truth. As they say, non-actors make better actors.

By being 'arrogant', celebrities establish a barrier between themselves and the new person (lantak la nak fikir apa, yg penting kamu tak kenal siapa saya sebenarnya...). The new person ASSUMES his arrogance and makes up a (biased) opinion on the celebrity, based on how the celebrity is acting.

Do NOT make assumptions.

And do NOT let hearsay validate your opinion on other people, celebrities or not.

And do NOT assume the above is right for everyone. It is just my point of view.

Here's my public apology for a certain celebrity (you know who you are- and I would LOVE to mention your name here to make the apology more official, but I don't want to 'promote' my blog just because it has your name in it) :

This has been a wholesome experience. I apologise for harassing you and your team, to the point that my complaints were removed from a certain webspace (ah, the power of technology...)

I DID make assumptions about you before I found out what you're really like, and who you really are.

Second hand rumours circulated and I bantered you with irrelevant questions and am ashamed of what I did.

I am indebted to our mutual friends for having opened my eyes and giving me the chance to analyse my actions and consider you as a fellow human being.

I guess it was MY defence mechanism to EXPECT you to be arrogant and unfriendly and thus MAKING you arrogant and unfriendly. I am humbled by your patience.

I am thankful to you, for this journey, for without it, I wouldn't have known myself better, either.

Thank you for making the entertainment industry ROCK!

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