I am, without sounding ungrateful for my past prosperousness, for once happy. Ecstatic even.
For, for the first time in my life, I am doing what I want, for my benefits.
But am I happy because I'm finally doing it or am I happy because I keep telling myself I have to be happy now that I'm doing everything based on my own decisions??? As in, if I weren't happy, I would be deemed a failure by all?
Is this really what I should be doing or is it what I think I want to do?
I love cooking. My lecturers are great. I am glad I made the decision to continue my studies in Malaysia.
But am I doing it all for the wrong reasons?
My passion is in writing. My mentors are incredible people. I am pleased to be given this opportunity to meet all these wonderful people, listen to, talk with and learn from them.
Am I doing the wrong thing?
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