Monday, October 30, 2006

Proud to be a Malaysian

Why can't we be proud of all things Malaysian? Why can't all things Malaysian be something we can be proud of?
I have friends from all over the world, and their level of patriotism astounds me. We see it in movies all the time, in Hollywood films, mainly, (and here's another cause for concern- watch locally made movies, for God's sake!)of how proud Americans are to be Americans.
Why can't we be more like that? Its funny how we're so "Americanised" in all other senses but the loving our own country part, we discard.
We have films produced as good as theirs, better even, I think. Why can't we watch these instead of popularising those Hollywood movies?
Why do we wear baggy trousers, exposing half, if not all of our undergarment, with chains on our necks and a skewed cap when our baju-baju kebangsaan are stylish and are in abundance? You don't think they're stylish? We are creative people, us Malaysians,make them stylish, start by wearing one!
Why do we have to talk like the Americans, using an extended version of "wassup" instead of our own "apa khabar?"
Why do we take up breakdancing and hip hop when our traditional dances are beautiful?
We have customs and traditions people, they don't! Be proud of what we have!
We have great leaders, politicians, writers, actors, singers, etc. Use them as role models. Have faith in our own people.
Why isn't Tunku Abdul Rahman thought of as well as George Washington?
Why can't you read Dan Brown AND A. Samad Said ?
Take down that poster of Brad Pitt or Paris Hilton and replace it with one of Afdlin Shauki and Harith Iskander or Ida Nerina.

Please note, I am not criticising the Americans or America, I'm just using them as an example.

It is great to learn English to expand your knowledge, but first, know how to use Bahasa Malaysia correctly.
It is fun to watch Hollywood films, but first, support our local entertainment industry. The reason why they have not 'reached international levels' is due to the lack of support.
Read more Malaysian books, wear more traditional clothes (or, as a start, don't look at those who do, weirdly!), learn to love Malaysia!(you already love the food!)

Sunday, October 29, 2006


How can you tell me I'm sad when you're the one crying?
How can you assume I'm happy just because I smile?
Why do you say I'm excited when I jump up and down?
Can I hold your hand and not be supportive?
Can I give a you a hug and a kiss and not love you?

You don't know me as well as you think you do.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

This funny feeling...

It is so funny how just when you start to think you want to start over, create a whole new life, leave the past behind, and then someone comes along and reminds you of every little thing that you did wrong, everything you said that hurt people's feelings, everything you did that led them to believe you were hopeless, and the memories come rushing back to you like a tidal wave, and all they did was say hello.
You feel as if your stomach's churning, your breath becomes shorter, your throat's constricted and the room's spinning.
You feel as if everyone around you knows your story and they're pointing at you and laughing.
You feel as if no matter how hard you try, nothing will have meaning in your life ever again.
You feel like vomiting, but you haven't eaten anything since morning; you want to pee, but you're dehydrated.

Allah, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference...